Visit the web page Bam Bam Holsters
We live in 5 acres and have had chickens for around 3 years I guess. There is one part of raising chickens that is just hilarious to me and that is when the young rooster, starts getting "manly". They are funny when they stat learning how to crow. It takes them a while before they get it correct. Once they have it down, there is no shutting them up. They will crow at evvery opportunity, at all hours of the day.
Remembering that this is going to be the youngest rooster out there, just learning to do what roosters do. When the "young stud" lets loose with a loud crow, I am often heard saying....."we hear you, stud". Now you have to understand. While the young studs are literally being cocky, (which is exactly where the term comes from), the mature rooster is not near as vocal, and just acts like he has nothing to prove.
Well. on to my point. Soon enough comes the time when the "Young Stud" (being to big for his britches) decides to square off with the more mature (much larger) rooster. It never ends well for the "Young Stud" that learns the hard way, not to get "cocky".
The point I am trying to make is this.....being as I am 50, I like to think of it as mature, at least in age anyways, I see or hear so many "young studs" (mostly on facebook) that are a little to cocky, just because they carry a gun. I practice so that I have the ability to defend myself, but have nothing to prove to anyone and no reason to be cocky. To many of the young studs are so preoccupied proving that they are "tactical" and "a force to be reckoned with" or the best shot east of the Mississippi. Don't get me wrong, if some one "bows up" on me I will takes care of myself. Like has taught me that, odds are, it will be a "young stud" that does the "bowing up".
Three Guu Belts , Mahogony, Purple and Black |
Shoulder holster for a 1911 |
Glock 36 Avemger |
IWB Mag Carrier for a Glock 42 |
Branded Slider for a sig 938 |
Sig 938 Avenger |
Avenger For a Glock ? |
Glock 26 Holster and Belt |
Glock 36 Lefty OWB Mag Carrier |
Gun Belt |
I love our little rooster Salty and the purple gun belt.