Sunday, October 25, 2015

Gun safety: Watch Where You Point Your Gun

Continuing on....

Everyone should know and live the four rules of gun safety.
1.  Treat every gun as if it is loaded
2.  Keep your finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target.
3.  Never point your gun at something you are not willing to destroy
4.  Be aware of your target and what is beyond your target.

Simply stated, if you don't want a hole in it, don't "point" your gun at it. 

I would say that this is the gun rule that I hear people draw the most absurd conclusions from.  I have heard people say.....
  • Have you ever thought about where that gun is pointed when you sit down,  remember rule #3
  • I cant practice, I would not bee keeping the third of the four gun rules.
  • I ALWAYS make sure my gun is pointed down!
I think, the key word in #3 is point. Think about it.  Not where the gun is pointed, but where you point the gun.  

Let me explain, On one occasion, I was standing in line at a urinal (ladies, you might not get this) and the guy in front of me was going through the motions of preparations which often include a slight to severe bend forward of the upper body. As this man did this, his vest raised and I as looking straight at a very discernible .45 caliber barrel pointed at me. But he was not pointing it at me. There is a difference. In a good holster, the gun is in a safe position. 

I think the obvious conclusion is that when you (the operator) are in action with a gun, Be conscious of everything in the path of that muzzle while you are handling it (after all we treat every gun as if its loaded). Think about a seated draw. In your car and an attacker presents himself, Can you draw the gun without muzzling yourself? You can but probably not with out practice. Maneuvering with a gun in hand, looks cool in the movies, but watch the next action movie and look at how many things the cool actor muzzles as he races through the scene with his finger on the trigger the whole time. You might think "that's silly!". If you never practice how to maneuver with a gun, and that dreadful day comes that you have to use your gun, those movie scenes are all you know.

To me the scariest people I see handling guns are the people that do it routinely. In my shop it is very common for people to handle guns as they try them in different holsters, or holsters they are picking up. To this day the only two incidents that have startled me were police or former police that muzzled people with the loaded and unloaded guns which they were showing me. Next time you take your gun out of your holster, to clear it or for what ever reason, just for a learning experience, observe every where a bullet would go if you accidentally discharged the gun. 

If you ever hear instructions on dry fire practice, there is a VERY repetitive warning to check, double check and check again, and one more time to be sure the gun is unloaded and no ammo in the vicinity.  Reason is your going to be pointing the gun as you practice.      

When you are handling your gun, you are pointing your gun........#3 never point your gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.

Think about it.

Bam Bam Holsters

This Week on the Leather bench

Did two Complete setups this week.

The gun belt is .25 inches thick. Two pieces of Herman Oak Leather sewn together. This one is a cordovan color.
 Then the double mag carrier.
 And the avenger holster for a CZ75b.  Walnut and cordovan.

 An Omni  for a Glock 19.
 An Omni for an XDS 4.0
An Omni for a Glock 42
 A Wingman for a XDM 4.5

 AN Avenger for an XDS 4.5

Another Set up for a Glock 43 with Gun belt 
 And then a Single mag carrier to go on the rig as well.


  1. Purchased the Glock 43 rig above and was very satisfied with the quality, fit, and craftsmanship. Also bought an Avenger holster for a S&W M&P9c - great holster and craftsmanship as well. However, in the future will stay away from canting the holster, because gun gets held up in the holster and difficult to draw. Otherwise, very satisfied - especially with the customer service. Recommended.

    1. hey,,,,glad to hear from you and that your pleased with the setup. my personal hholsters have a fair of amount of cant, and for me they work but then the rear sights have a tendency to print.........
